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  • By Laura
  • March 11, 2019

‘Ask Me Anything’ Answers!

‘Ask Me Anything’ Answers!

‘Ask Me Anything’ Answers! 1024 576 Laura

I asked our followers on social media to ask me anything they wanted. Here is how the questions panned out and I hope this gives you an insight as to what it’s like to work as a podiatrist! Remember, if you have any questions at any time, you can get in touch with us.

Do you enjoy being a podiatrist?

I absolutely love my job as a Podiatrist. Having worked within a health care setting for almost 15 years now I have definitely found my calling.

What is your favourite thing about being a podiatrist?

Everyday is different and I just love knowing I have helped ease someone’s pain or made them feel more comfortable.

What is the difference between a chiropodist and a podiatrist?

Potato or potata…. a Podiatrist is a modernised Chiropodist. We actually wrote an interesting blog discussing this topic in great detail.

What is your least favourite thing about being a podiatrist?

Finding pieces of nail in my hair and on occasion in my bra.

Did you grow up wanting to be a podiatrist?

Nope, I wanted to be a dentist… Completely opposite ends of the body.

I’m embarrassed of my feet, what is your advice?

Come see a Podiatrist and we will help ease this feeling. I can almost 100% guarantee that we will have seen worse.

Is there a single most important thing when it comes to general foot care?

Actually just looking at your feet and observing them. Then, if something is different or changes, you will notice it.

What is one thing that most people don’t do regarding foot care that you wish they did?

Moisturise their feet… I must say this phrase about 20 times a week at least.

Have you ever felt sick when treating someone’s feet?

Nope. Not at all. The gorier the better ?

What’s your favourite colour?

Red not surprisingly.

What are your hobbies when you’re not treating people’s feet?

Walking my little boy Handsome Bob the Welsh Terrier. He likes to keep me on my toes.

Do you have another podiatrist to treat your feet or do you look after your own?

I maintain them regularly and and have taught my other half how to cut toe nails. He’s not mastered corns yet so I seek the assistance of other professionals at the Hamilton foot clinic for their expertise. I enjoy the therapeutic aspect of Podiatry as well as the medical necessity of it.

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